Working for Antonio's Red Security is not easy. You must want a difference to be different. We value your effort and all your abilities to want more for your life. We offer career opportunities where we put people over profit and invest in you. Your safety and knowledge around your surrounding areas will develop and your growth will succeed to its highest advantage within yourself. We ask that you bring integrity and willingness to do good even under difficult situations. We as your team will train you and teach you emotionally and physically to be better with the experience that you may bring.
Starting wage after probation $3,500 monthly after taxt and highre. Make a DIFFERENT'S WIHT US .
Looking for a long-lasting career or job you can grow in?
We look for guards and staff personnel that look to put effort and integrity into their work. We want to create long-lasting and meaningful relationships with staff and management, as well as guards and those they service.
Name: First and Last
Contact Information:
Position you’d like to apply for:
Please tell us more about your availability:
Shift you are open to working and days you are open to working on.
What makes you want to be a security officer?
Looking for Full time or Parttime work?
When is the best time for us to reach you at?
How did you hear about us?